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first book of the year |
I don't know why I'm using up precious time on here. I really have to get some Books done. As in Bookkeeping..those clients ....I need some $$$ so I really need some billable hours. But just can't seem to get into quickbooks. Blahhhh
And then there's all the other books that are cluttering up the place.
Dec 31st I got down to the library to collect my reserves
At the beginning of the week I got into some blogs that listed "Best of 2013" and happened upon many lists with many books I'd never heard of. So I reserved all I could and then had to add the remaining ones onto pinterest file of overflow book titles
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An Inquiry into Love & Death |
First Paragraph:
My uncle Toby died of a broken neck in the autumn of 1924, just as I was starting the Michaelmas term at Oxford. I was pulled from the back of the lecture hall by a pimpled assistant in thick Mary Janes and an ill-fitting skirt who hissed that I had a confiential summons and must go to the administrative office at once. She even led me there, though it was just across the quad, so agog was she at the mystery of it.
Hmm... "thick Mary Janes"....I though mary janes where shoes. Thick shoes? As in ...the soles.
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The Devil In Her Way |
The punch caught Maureen flush in the temple, striking near her right eye.
That's it for first paragraph.
Can't take much from that.
Though the review were either five stars or three stars.
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Reconstructing Amelia |
Hey bitches! Ah, the beginning of another school year. And I'm back with all the shit that's not fit to print....
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The Great Escape A Canadian Story |
Heard about this book on CBC radio. Who knew the story the movie was based on was Canadian.
Wow five stars.
...I do love history
still more books to catch my eye at the foot of the bed
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Caught |
I've been waiting awhile for this book to appear on the reserve shelf with my name on it. I wonder why I ordered it. It must have been after a trip to Indigo Books. I usually take a pic of all the latest greatest on display next to the cashiers. Then when I come home I order all the ones that catch my eye from the library.
....There aren't much wasted wording in the first paragraph. So It might be interesting without bogging down with toooooo much overdiscription....
Then there's
"WINNER' this is the one to start the year off with...I've been thinking of nothing else all evening except starting this one. But ....Am I really up to the "reading all nite" syndrome
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Widow's Tears |
Rachel Blackwood got up early that morning. She had not slept well: her youngest daughter, three-year-old Angela, was suffering from a sore throat and had cried often for her mother in the night, needing to be soothed.
hmmmm....but the sentence that grabs my eye is on the inside of the jacket
After losing her husband, five children, housekeeper, and beautiful home in the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, Rachel Blackwood rebuilt her home and later died there, have been drive mad with grief.
....now that catches my reading (do I want to spend the day with this book) eye.
and last up from the new pic of books
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The Vegucation of Robin |
My daughter wasn't exactly gluten intolerant ....just as an experiment at first. But anytime gluten was eaten in error there was always consiquences. She's been gluten free almost 100% since summer and has quite severe allergic reactions for the simplest slip up. It's quite amazing the reaction she endures. So one can only wonder what gluten is actually doing to our digestive system when it's eaten regularly. Milk and gluten...both are should be eaten in moderation. I'm talking milk...as a beverage for children. My son had milk alergies as a baby when trying to get him off the boob and since then none of my children really were encouraged to drink milk. I had to get him on solid food after almost a year of the boob. I used to make my own juice instead. Except with cereal. But cheese and butter and creams etc weren't ever eliminated or substituted. Just the milk as a beverage. And I've always had a milk and ice cream intolerance (just those two...strangely enough)
....so to have yet another food thing....well, there's just so much room in my brain for yet more information to file away about the horrors of yet another food....getting tiresome. But I wonder why I had it (the book) put on reserve.
I've managed to give up the grape...since Nov 17th or so.
I've given up tylenol 3's and 4's ...cold turkey for my pain management (that actually became an addiction)
Substituted gluten free for gluten whenever possible. (but bread is bread....and perogie's are perogies and I'm not a huge fan of pasta to begin with, but the gluten free stuff is just horrid. I say just eliminate the pasta and use anything else instead. Like spag. sauce on frites is a good sub. Or zuchini thinly sliced instead of lasagna noodles. And gravy just tastes better if it's gluten free. Can't believe anyone would eat it otherwise.)
So I don't know if I'm in the mood to read about yet another food thing.
What else is cluttering up my reserve list at the library....waiting for someone to make available?
You Can't Win - Black, Jack
(that's been on reserve for about a year. Getting tired of waiting for this one for sure. Don't even remember what it was about, or why I even reserved it. Might have to cancel this one.
Balaboosta : bold Mediterranean recipes - Admony, Einat
must be on order....
Mastering the Art of French Eating : lessons in food and love from a year in Paris - Mah, Ann
can't remember why I ordered this one. But sounds interesting. Must have read a blog perhaps.
Franny's: Simple Seasonal Italian - Clark, Melissa
Prob from a blog
Shopping for Votes - Delacourt, Susan
A political thing....
Maximum flavor : recipes that will change the way you cook - Kamozawa, Aki
something that will change the way I cook. Yeah....as if that will happen. But I'm open to suggestions so I guess I will have to take a look at this one.
Banquet of Lies - Diener, Michelle
I have to idea what this is about or why I put it on reserve.
How to Feed a Family : the sweet potato chronicles cookbook - Marsh, Ceri
Corpse Flower - Ferris, Gloria
This one was on several "best of 2013" lists....
Silence for the Dead - St. James, Simone
Troubled Daughters Twisted Wives : stories from the trailblazers of domestic suspense - Weinman, Sarah ...prob from a blog
Spider Woman's daughter - Hillerman, Anne
on a "best of 2013" list
Tainted : a Dr. Zol Szabo medical mystery - Pennie, Ross
First in a series. Sounds like something I need to read
The professionals - Laukkanen, Owen
on a "best of 2013" list or the first in a series. Can't remember, it's either one or the other
Honour among men : an Inspector Green mystery - Fradkin, Barbara Fraser
another one from a list of "best of 2013' Or else first in a series of one on a list
Save yourself - Braffet, Kelly
Have no idea why its on reserve...prob from a best of 2013 list
If you were here - Burke, Alafair
The list again...and if ever there was an author with an interest name...well I would read this book just for the authors name alone ( must have been a typo on the birth certificate maybe) and it's a "suspense' ...what more can one ask for.
There was an old woman - Ephron, Halli
the list again
Every secret thing - Kearsley, Susannah
this author was on the list, but was part of a series so I believe this is the title of the first in a series...but I could be wrong.
Graveland - Glynn, Alan
on the "best of" list
Claire DeWitt and the Bohemian highway = Gran, Sara
forget why...but either on the list or first in a series
Pandora's lunchbox : how processed food took over the American meal - Warner, Melanie
A conspiracy food thing....One more reason to be pissed at food industry
The crossing places : [a Ruth Galloway mystery] - Griffiths, Elly
first in a series that was on the list
Not your mother's make-ahead and freeze cookbook : - Fisher, Jessica
sorta self explanitory
Table of contents : from breakfast with Anita Diamant to dessert with James Patterson-- a generous helping of recipes, writings, and insights from today's bestselling authors - Gelman, Judy
prob a sucky book. But sounded interesting
Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen - Gephart, Donna
on a list. prob a tween book. But title sounded interesting
The irresistible blueberry bakeshop & café - lSimses, Mary
either from a food blog or else on a best of food book list for 2013
The keeper of lost causes ; [or, Mercy] - Adler-Olsen, Jussi
a book with two titles, and an author with a first name of Jussi. Why wouldn't I reserve this.
Quilting happiness : projects, inspiration, and ideas to make quilting more joyful - Lane, Christina
Most of the quilting books I've read lately...I've been wondering how they ever got published. Cause they've all SUCKED....So this one just prob will also. But I will give it a chance. You never know...
The wicked girls - Marwood, Alex
on a list for "best of 2013"
Ninety percent of everything : inside shipping, the invisible industry that puts clothes on your back, gas in your car, and food on your plate - George, Rose
with a title like this. why wouldn't I reserved it...also prob from a list of best of something or other of 2013...prob something to do with the food industry villians....
Norwegian by night - Miller, Derek
prob from a best of 2013 list
Visitation street - Pochoda, Ivy
Best of 2013 list
Humans of New York - Stanton, Brandon
Had this on reserve for awhile. Seems to have a long list ahead of me
The smitten kitchen cookbook - Perelman, Deb
Blog that's been published. I think I've had it already, but didn't get a chance to actually read it before I had to return it before fines were incured.
The dinosaur feather - Gazan, Sissel-Jo
On a 2013 list...something about dinosaurs and birds and anthropology and perhaps murder....
Let's explore diabetes with owls Sedaris, David
He's a funny guy....what can I say
Still Life - Penny, Louise
Author prob had a book on a list for best of 2013 and this might or might not be first in a series??? But I don't quite remember one way or the other. But author has a following and I don't think I've read any of her books. Though I find that not likely. But stranger things have happened but I do love discovering a new author with lots of books to her credit. Always a plus
The great Canadian bucket list : one-of-a-kind travel experiences - Esrock, Robin
Who wouldn't reserve this one. Hope it actually has somehting interesting in it. Has a long list ahead of me though.
W is for wasted - Grafton Sue
well...I've read them all to this point. Even though the last couple have left me more irritated that pleased. I'm sorta committed to this point. Have to see it through....
An officer and a spy - Harris, Robert
either on a list of "best of" or first in a series. Can't remember
Sandrine's case - Cook, Thomas
First in a series of author on a list...I think...
The war that ended peace : the road to 1914 - MacMillan, Margaret
Put this on reserve after listening to a program on CBC radio...and she's a good writer
The Massey murder : a maid, her master, and the trial that shocked a country - Gray, Charlotte
Had this one of reserve for awhile. A long list ahead of me. Hope it's worth waiting for
Sycamore Row Grisham, John
Well...it's Grisham...and I don't buy books. so I'll wait for the 76 still ahead of me. could be worse...When I first put it on hold the wait list was around 250.
Five days at Memorial : life and death in a storm-ravaged hospital - Fink, Sheri
author was on CBC radio flogging the book and it sounded like an interesting read
Saints of the shadow bible : an Inspector Rebus novel - Rankin, Ian
It's an Ian Rankin....nothing more needs to be said
The silent wife- Harrison, A. S. A.
I cant remember why it's on my list. but There are 256 people ahead of me. I just hope there are several copies or this might take as long as a grisham novel to get my hands on.
An astronaut's guide to life on earth - Hadfield, Chris
What's not to like about this guy? 281 People ahead of me though. I will probably buy this one. I like him more and more everytime I see him on TV or hear him on the radio. Prob next time I'm in costco and it's on display...it will be at the checkout with me.
....and then there's the overflow
And it's only Jan 1st. An already there's over a hundred books I MUST read this year. Who has time for actually getting billable hours.
1 comment:
What an interesting way to go about picking your book!
My First Book
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